Chicks in Bowls

Meetup App

The Chicks in Bowls Trick App is a companion app for Chicks in Bowls, an international self run community of skaters that meet up, teach each other, and strive to build inclusive and safe skate park experiences. Skaters can use this app to track progress on skate tricks, find people to skate with, and explore new tricks to learn.




Each category of tricks is a constellation. A constellation can be filled out when the user has completed all the tricks (does not have to be in sequence). This offers a visual alternative to keeping a list, but in case the user does just want a list, they can toggle to list view too.

For each trick, there is is a description and video of how to do the trick and an optional display feature showing which of the user’s friends who have completed the trick.

Using the “Meetup” function, users can see meetups in their area and toggle between the dates of the meetups and the distance of the meetups.


Okefenokee Swamp


Brand New Noise